the housing agent for convention notified me tonight that they will be releasing rooms from our block on Monday 8/12. That if they are planning on staying at the host hotel and have not yet made reservations to do so immediately. Received a call from Rick Carthuser last night and he wanted me to share the following:
He and Sandra are overwhelmed, humbled and appreciate the outpouring of support during the seizure of their animals.They cannot express their Thanks enough, however, Rick say's it is time to move on. He would like everyone to start looking forward to Pa. and the 25 year celebration of the NMRRC and this fantastic breed.The work has been done, the T's have been crossed and it looks to be a great time for all. He say's he will be there doing what he always does-running rabbits to the table. He and Sandy are looking forward to seeing everyone and visiting about rabbits.He is encouraging everyone to look to the future and what can be done to protect and preserve the hobby we enjoy. He is stil trying to fiqure out how an ordinary, everyday person was singled out, accused, tried and judged before he even new what hit him.He would like everyone to start getting involved , ask questions and push for our rights as breeders as we move to the future. He looks forward to seeing everyone soon and wants everyone to get ready to celebrate with a great turnout in Pa. Added a page under the advertising/guidebook tab which has a guidebook preview .Highlight adv/guidebook and it will show as a sub page.
This an example of the great work being done by your guidebook committee. OPEN SWEEPS HAVE BEEN UPDATED WITH ALL SHOWS RECEIVED AND POSTED THROUGH MAY.
November 2022
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