Monna Berryhill
I was born in Texas, grew up in California, then Oklahoma. Lived there until was 34 years old, then moved to California to be with a man I had met through pen pal club. A month after my arrival, we got married - 36 years ago. We transferred to Texas and lived there until 2007. We started raising rabbits in 1983, and in 1984, I saw the first Mini Rex born in my barn. A dream formed itself in my head and when I vocalized it, I was met with great opposition. In 1985, I took some to the Houston ARBA Convention and stirred up a smattering of interest and much ridicule. Moving forward in spite of all the negative vibes, in 1986, the Mini Rex was accepted. The rest is history. It proves that dreams can come true if you fight hard enough! Love you! Monna